Categoriearchief: Algemeen

Creative Interventions and inner leadership

Some initiatives seem to run effortless, take little energy and the results are superior. Other initiatives drain all energy and, in the end, the results are still disappointing. These ‘energy-draining’ efforts also impose additional pressure on mutual cooperation amongst people involved. Often, the initiator is then forced to lower his ambitions and thus makes the effort less rewarding for others than it initially promised to be.  Eventually original enthusiastic people drop out and the initiative is at the risk of running down.

What makes the difference between a generative and an ‘energy draining’ process?

Of course, there are many causes, but the most important one is the inner attitude from which the initiative started. The inner place from which we operate is the major blind spot in leadership development. More and more it shows in practice that (social) intelligence and spiritual principles have less influence on the course of a process than an open attitude of the leaders and initiators of the initiative. (Otto Scharmer MIT)

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