The story of Christmas is perhaps the most famous narrative about the “unimaginable and precious” happening within the context of an always so harsh day-to-day reality. In this case it’s about two refugees being excluded from a proper place to give birth to their child. A harsh reality still continuing to be part of the daily lives of many people 2020 years later. Nothing new or creative occurring, so it seems, in this part of the story.

In advance of this narrative both Mary and Josef were approached by two separate angels explaining them what was bound happening. The angels requested them to see the coming events from a different “angle” and to have trust in G-d. The couple listened and did have trust. They knew that G-d was for them, so what could be against them? By saying: ”thy will be done”, they made it possible for the Unimaginable to co-create with them. Therefore they didn’t need to feel any fear or frustration anymore. The appearances of poor circumstances for the couple and the child seemed unsafe, but in fact protected them. They simply trusted that things would turn out just fine. And they were right. At the right moment an angel (or his inner voice) warned Josef to leave Bethlehem. Eventually, the soldiers of king Herod didn’t find them and wise men came from the Far East to pay their respect and sponsored them abundantly.
Isn’t it remarkable that king Herod totally missed the billboard: “star in heaven”, while the same star inspired three wise kings to make the effort for a long journey and navigated them towards Bethlehem? If you don’t see or understand things, it doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Herod’s lack of wisdom and his fears made it impossible for him to value a star in heaven. Instead, the news of a birth inspired him to a meaningless and senseless slaughter of babies.
Everyone believing the philosophy of an autonomous tangible world outside of us, will tell us to stay to the facts. Mary and Josef had a lousy trip to Bethlehem and finally had to flee to Egypt. In the end they were just lucky and Herod predictably acted to defend his position of power. Period.
It’s up to you reader, what do you think really happened here? If you are an admirer of the autonomous tangible reality, you can stop reading now. The rest of this tale will not interest you. In case you intend to read the rest, ask yourself why? Seriously, why do you want to know more of this? Are you searching for more arguments to oppose the “non-sense” that might follow? Why would you bother? You already know the facts. Try to imagine that you feel the need to defend yourself? Why would you need defence? Where do you see an attack coming from?
If you are willing and capable of seriously answering these questions, you will become aware of inner values, beliefs or opinions blocking you from co-creating with the Unimaginable.
In the other blogs I will try to explain why this is so important for us today in the world we live in.